Terms & Conditions

We are grateful that you came to our Terms & Conditions page.

The date above indicates the most recent modification to these Terms of Use. We periodically revise our Terms of Use, therefore we encourage Users and visitors to this site to review any modifications since the last time they used the services provided by locendo.com.

The Offeror Users and Recipient Users of the Site are collectively referred to as "Users" in the definitions that follow.

Ads or profile content created by offeror users that are shown on the site may be uploaded in accordance with the rules of the paid services listed below. Recipient Users have access to these Ads or profile content and are permitted to contact Offeror Users using the contact details posted by advertisers.

Users are advised that in order to browse the site and do so in the future, they must agree to the current Terms of Use. If they do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use, they must close the site and stop using the service.

Our privacy policy, which also covers how we use cookies and other similar technology, governs how we use your personal information. We only gather the bare minimum of personal information required for us to provide services in accordance with these Terms of Use, to meet our legal obligations, and to pursue our legitimate interests in service improvement, geographic service expansion, and promoting the safety and wellbeing of our Users. Users should be aware that we collect data in accordance with the law.

As an Offeror User, you should confirm that you agree to the Terms of Use, which include the Acceptable Use Policy and the Summary and Guidelines below before you create a profile or post an advertisement..

  • Violate these terms and conditions;
  • Contain any virus or other content that could compromise the Site's ability to operate properly;
  • We believe it to be detrimental to the proper performance of the service in our sole discretion;
  • We believe to be illegal in nature (such as anything harassing in nature, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libelous, invading another's privacy, or harming minors in any way), or that may violate any applicable criminal laws or regulations that bind us;
  • Harass or bully any other User or any third party, or that it may do so;
  • Are aggressive, threatening, or prejudiced;
  • They are required by a court or other competent government body's judicial order.
Although it is up to each User to ascertain for themselves the laws that apply to any material they contribute to the Site and whether such material complies with the Terms of Use, the sections labeled "Acceptable Use Policy" and "Summary and Guidelines" set out in more detail material that is thought to violate these Terms of Use.

Users may be prohibited from using the website or its services if they are caught breaking or repeatedly breaking these Terms of Use. We shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any losses, claims, damages, or expenditures of any kind resulting from any such takedown or ban if any such decisions are made in our sole discretion. No reimbursements for any payments made to us will also be given, with the exception of the few instances described in the "Refunds Policy" section below.


The service is intended for adults, and by using it, Users affirm and guarantee that they are at least 18 years old. Any under-18 User who is discovered to be lying about their age or evading our age verification procedures will be deemed to have violated these Terms of Use.

As previously said, Recipient Users should be aware that we don't have any kind of preemptive influence over the information contained in the online ads that Offeror Users post. Any risks, claims, or liabilities resulting from any subsequent service provision or other relationship between any Offeror User and any Recipient User are not the responsibility of the Site, which is not an intermediary nor an agent of any Users.

Users accept full and exclusive responsibility for how they behave toward the Site and other users, as well as other third parties when they use the Service.

We disclaim all liability and make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of any information contained in any advertisements placed by Offeror Users or the outcome of any discussions between any Offeror User(s) and any Recipient User(s).